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What is working in Content Marketing in 2020?


-Website Content is what sets the websites apart and reflects in the placement of your website ranking. There are different factors that go into why one website ranks higher than another.

 Website content is the most effective method of SEO. 


By looking at several factors to see why—Special tools that allow marketing companies to look at the competitions on-page and off-page ranking factors.

For example your website:


—Content on your service or product website pages optimized


—Blog pages that keep the readers on your website and sharing articles.


— Social Media Engagement Articles


—Facebook Live


—Podcast with guest to talk up your business.




Grow your business website with the growth rate of your business.

 The interaction with customers ways to connect is growing every day. The marketing of your business has to grow with your business. No longer can you build a website and hope you will be found. The competition can be fierce with new businesses starting every day.

 Your perfect customer is out there, we just have to get more impressions of your website content, to start letting brand get noticed.

 The more impressions the more chances for your website to be selected to be viewed by the customer.

Content marketing uses the podcast, video, blogs, social media sites as an instrument.


Why is Content Strategy so Important?

 Website engagement is so important and offering not only to contain text but images, and videos. Engaging the customer to really be interested in what you have to offer.

 If the customer says to himself that is exactly what I need. He says to himself yes, they are the ones who can deliver what I need.

 So you can see why you have just a few seconds to convince the reader you are what they need in a sea of other websites trying to market to them as well. 


Producing a magnetic headline, to grab the audience.


Website Structure to Boost Rankings to Google’s First Page.  

Building your website with the best page structure if googles candy. Web crawlers process the content and index your website and pages of services and products.

Crawling often to capture any updates in your business and in return will offer the new content to interested google readers.

So when a website is easy to read and google can understand what is important to your business they have a winner and you’re web site is presented on the first page for that keyword. 

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